Red Bull And Beer Diet: Day 3
If you havent read Day 1 and Day 2 please do.
I am not a physician or a physical trainer or anything remotely close to that. I do not condone anyone putting themselves through what I will be doing for the next 3 days and as such cannot be held responsible for the consequences of doing so. If you do choose to do something as foolish as this please consult a physician so (s)he can talk you out of doing something so stupid. Lastly I do not condone underage consumption of alcohol. Please dont drink if you are under age for your state/country. If you do drink please do so responsibly.
Body Stats
(As reported by my Withings scale)
Weight(lb): 169.9
Height(feet/inches): 6'2" (This will obviously stay static.)
Body Fat(lb): 30.0
Lean Mass: 139.9
BMI: 21.8
Diet Stats
(Drink and calorie stats will be updated through out the day)
Red Bull: 1
Beer: 2
- 2 x PBR(can)
Approximate Calories: 1 x 110 + 2 x 153 = 416
Calories counts for items taken from unless otherwise specified.
9:30am Woke up and hunger crept up slowly.
10:00am First weigh in of the day.
10:15am First Red Bull of the day. Taking the dogs for a walk so the caffeine is very welcome.
12:15pm Tried to run an play with the dogs, but was out of breath and energy after ten minutes. Just walking for me from there on out. They did enough running for the three of us.
1:00pm Went to the grocery store to get ready for family coming into town. Strangely I wasn't too enticed by the food like i normally would be when hungry.
2:45pm Really hungry for lunch. Craving pizza so badly.
4:00pm Maybe its me knowing I only have eight hours to go, but i seem to be normally energetic, but still hungry.
5:00pm Guess i spoke too soon. Getting sleepy and slow quickly.
6:30pm Final weigh in and a PBR.
8:00pm One last beer to hold me over for the night.
11:00pm Bed time. Psyched to make it through this in one piece. Time to dream about the real meal i'll be having in the morning.